

Total Cost & Quality

In our dedicated pursuit of exceptional quality, we strive not only to satisfy the specifications and designs required by the customer, but also focus on total cost and quality even after the product is delivered and introduced in the customer's production processes.

We work constantly with hundreds of grades of steel and have developed our own material standards for each. In terms of chemical composition, we set a far narrower range than the composition range required by the customer and implement conditions for heat treating to ensure our castings deliver the best performance.

During machining, distorsions or deformations may occur due to a casting's size, shape, or material properties. When necessary, we intentionally elect to manually machine our castings in place of using CNC machines to guarantee top quality. This eliminates variation between our castings and assures the customer a smooth production process after delivery, providing addtional cost benefits.

Together, this comprises the quality we pursue in our effort to achieve the best total cost and quality.

President Yoshiharu Nishi


NIDAK never forgets its spirit for taking on new challenges, placing great pride in its technology and quality.



Head Office
Sudacho MK Building, 2-8-1 Kanda Sudacho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0041, Japan
Tel: +81-3-3256-0039 Fax: +81-3-3256-0728

Takahagi Factory
3641-5 Kamitezuna Asayama, Takahagi-shi, Ibaraki 318-0004, Japan
Tel: +81-293-24-1111 Fax: +81-293-24-0111

Takahagi Factory 2
2100-141 Karimatasaku, Akahama, Takahagi-shi, Ibaraki 318-0004, Japan
Tel: +81-293-24-9128 Fax: +81-293-24-9129


Factory 1 22,519m² Site area   8,784m² Gross floor area

Factory 2 17,069m² Site area   3,625m² Gross floor area

Capital 100 million yen
President Yoshiharu Nishi
Employees 156 (Head office 27, Takahagi Factories 129) (As of December 2020)
Sales 2.66 billion yen (for fiscal term ending May 2020)
Societies Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Steel Castings and Forgings Association of Japan, Japan Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, The Japan Institute of Metals, Japan Society of Corrosion Engineering, The Japan Petroleum Institute
Business Stainless/heat-resistant steel castings, high-temperature and high-pressure steel castings, nickel/cobalt base alloy castings, abrasion resistant alloy castings, high alloy stainless steel welding assemblies, refiner plate manufacturing for pulp/paper-making machinery, chemical composition analysis, radiographic testing, mechanical testing, corrosion testing, abrasion testing, AOD refining
Affiliated Companies NIDAK SEIMITSU Inc.


Policy on Quality

We continuously strive to improve customer satisfaction by providing unsurpassed product quality, delivery times, and company services.

  • 1. Quality refers to our ability to satisfy the requirements provided by our customers in their blueprints and specification sheets.
  • 2. Delivery time refers to our commitment to uphold the delivery and shipment dates agreed upon with customers.
  • 3. Service refers to our constant and direct communication with our customers as well as to the mutually profitable proactive technologies and sales-oriented proposals we provide as a material casting manufacturer that recognizes the constantly changing needs of our customers.

Policy on the Environment

Basic Principle

We recognize that human and corporate activities significantly impact the environment and actively engage in environmental conservation efforts so as to leave behind a better and more vibrant planet for the coming generations.

Basic Policies

  • A. To implement production operations that help improve the planet rather than damage it, we educate all employees on the environment and continuously advance our conservation efforts beyond current levels.
  • B. We uphold and comply with all environmentally-related laws and regulations as part of our commitment to prevent environmental pollution.
  • C. We promote recycling and the reduction of waste and carry out appropriate treatment measures at all our factories.
  • D. We establish environmental goals that we periodically revise and update and implement ongoing efforts for improving the environment.
  • E. We publicly release our policy on the environment and maintain this policy so that all employees can view its contents at any time.


  • 1974 

    Our Founding

    With the spirit of "Challenging the world with our technology," we at NIDAK have made it our company policy to meet each and every customer demand for quality. On July 23, 1974, our founder Yukiharu Nishi, together with 37 colleagues, founded NIDAK as a collection of technical experts at Japan's capital of casting in Kawaguchi, Saitama.

  • 1985 

    Entering the US Market

    In 1985, we established NIDAK USA to pioneer our entry into the American market, with Yoshiharu Nishi as the president. In 1997, NIDAK USA was closed in order to adopt a business-trip based approach to sales, following the shift of our American customers and business partners from the USA to Europe.


    Constructing and Shifting Operations to Takahagi Factory 1

    Initially, our production operations centered on four factories within Kawaguchi City. However, following the introduction of new governmental regulations, further expansion here was deemed impractical. As part of a new era of activity within the company, we constructed and shifted all operations to a new factory in Takahagi, Ibaraki, which was known for having ground well suited to supporting centrifugal casting operations.

  • 2005 

    Yoshiharu Nishi Appointed as Company President

    Accompanying the appointment of a new president, NIDAK began actively expanding and developing sales channels in Southeast Asia, in addition to its American and European operations.


    Constructing and Initiating Operations at Takahagi Factory 2

    To address the growing number of orders and the increased complexity and sophistication of our customers' requirements, we constructed our 2nd Takahagi Factory and expanded our departments for machining, welding assembly, and inspection.

  • 2013 

    Establishing the NIDAK KOREA Liaison Office

    In 2013, we established a liaison office in Korea in order to further explore the Korean market.


    Re-entering the US Market

    Accompanying our continued expansion in the European and Southeast Asian Markets, our next challenge is to re-develop our market share in the USA.

  • Towards the Future

    Building on the legacy we have developed since our founding, we will continue our efforts to become a leading global company in our industry.


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